Innovación en Neumología Intervencionista con la Plataforma 4RemoteHealth en el Hospital Central de Asturias

Innovation in Interventional Pulmonology at the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias


At Zerintia HealthTech, we are proud to be at the forefront of innovation in the healthcare sector, combining advanced technology and medical expertise to improve patients’ quality of life. Today, we are pleased to share with you a groundbreaking achievement in the field of interventional pulmonology, resulting from our collaboration with the Central University Hospital of Asturias.

Led by the distinguished Dr. Francisco López and his specialized team, a pioneering surgery was conducted: a live-streamed transbronchial cryobiopsy using our 4RemoteHealth platform. This procedure not only marks a milestone in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases but also demonstrates the transformative power of medical telepresence.

4RemoteHealth is more than a tool; it is the future of international medical collaboration. By enabling real-time interaction among specialists from around the world, it facilitates an unprecedented exchange of knowledge and best practices. This advanced technology allows for remote-assisted bronchoscopies, providing access to previously unreachable areas of the lung, improving diagnostic accuracy, and speeding up treatment times.

The intervention carried out demonstrates the incredible potential of global collaboration. The knowledge and skills of world-leading opinion leaders, made available through 4RemoteHealth, reinforce the capability of medical teams to perform complex procedures with unprecedented confidence and precision. Moreover, the integration of augmented reality allows for deeper interaction with the procedure, offering precise guidance and access to visual evidence that contributes to continuous improvement in healthcare.

We want to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Francisco López, his team, and the staff at the Central University Hospital of Asturias for their commitment to medical excellence. Their leadership and dedication have not only contributed to this success but have also opened new avenues for the treatment and diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.

At Zerintia HealthTech, we remain committed to developing solutions that empower healthcare professionals and improve patient well-being. This event is another step on our path towards healthcare transformed by technology and collaboration. Together, we innovate for a healthier future.