4RemoteHealth connected the world in real time from Asturias during a groundbreaking procedure for the diagnosis of lung cancer and other pathologies.
Zerintia HealthTech, a Spanish digital health company, partnered with Pulmonology OnAir to bring visibility to a groundbreaking technique in interventional pulmonology that enables rapid diagnosis of complex respiratory diseases. The 4RemoteHealth platform facilitated real-time connections among professionals, sharing medical images and step-by-step insights during the Pulmonology OnAir Event 2024, held on November 29th at the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA).
The software platform developed by Zerintia HealthTech connected the interventional suite of the Asturian hospital, broadcasting the procedure performed by interventional pulmonologists Dr. Miguel Ariza, Dr. Javier Pérez Pallarés, and Dr. Francisco López. They demonstrated how to obtain tissue samples from the mediastinum using cryobiopsy, a groundbreaking technique that leverages freezing to extract high-quality samples for diagnosing conditions like lung cancer.
The team at HUCA has pioneered the use of EBUS-guided transbronchial cryobiopsy (Crio-EBUS). This innovative approach allows for the extraction of optimal and intact frozen tissue samples from the mediastinum, an anatomical compartment located between the lungs and behind the sternum. These samples surpass the quality of those obtained through conventional cytology, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and expediting effective treatments.
The Pulmonology OnAir Event 2024 stands as the world’s most significant event in the field of interventional pulmonology. Held annually in November—Lung Cancer Awareness Month—it brought together over 5,000 pulmonologists this year. The event featured 20 leading specialists from hospitals worldwide, including the Montefiore Medical Center (New York, USA), Universitätsspital Zürich (Switzerland), National Cancer Center (Tokyo, Japan), Shanghai Chest Hospital (China), AIG Hospitals (Hyderabad, India), and ThoraxKlinik Heidelberg (Germany), among others.